After a long hiatus from the blog, we are back!
We had a spectacular 2012 summer, and want to thank everybody who made it possible, both campers and staff! Somebody must have done something right, because our numbers for 2013 are climbing! In fact, Main camp is full for next summer, and has been since August!! We still have spots in June and August camps, but if you are not registered yet, definitely bug your parents to get those applications sent it! We would love to see all of your smiling faces this summer! And be sure to let all your friends know about Green Cove...we love seeing new faces each summer as well!
Camp definitely feels different in the fall and winter than it does in the summer. Obviously, the temperatures drop to sweatshirt and jeans weather, and it grows a lot quieter without the voices of campers giggling from all corners of camp. But this fall, camp looks particularly different.....Notice something missing????
That's right; there is no water in the lake!! Due to some maintenance that needed to be done on the dam, Lake Summit, was drained! The water levels were so low at one point, you could walk to Rabbit Island!
We are still waiting for the water to come back on the main lake but the
cold side at camp is definitely full and definitely highlights the
beautiful fall colors!

And all these fall colors can only mean one thing: HALLOWEEN IS HERE!!
Here at camp, we are always pro-costume, whatever the occasion maybe, which is why Halloween happens to be one of our favorite times of the year!! This year, even the camp dogs got into it.....
Lulu and Reese dressed up as Ballerinas for Halloween this year...with matching tutus!! |
We would love to see all the Halloween costumes that y'all wore this year!! Be sure to send us some pictures and we will post them on here next update!!
Happy Halloween, everybody!!!
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